Oleander Hawk-Moths


Clean Enhanced Certificate from UK Disclosure & Disbarring Service.

Clean UK Driving Licence

For motorcycles, cars and medium size vehicles up to MAM 3.5 tonnes.

Advanced Driving/Riding

I have passed the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) advanced driving/riding tests for cars and motorcycles. I became an Observer and Senior Observer for the Birmingham Group of the IAM and in my spare time trained many drivers to pass the advanced driving test for cars.
In 1995 as one of the “Gang of Three” I helped create and maintain the IAM’s first web presence.

English Language Teaching

CELTA Certificate

I took and passed the Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) at Language Link, Earl’s Court, London. This was as a fall-back/supplement to earnings prior to living abroad.
To gain experience I taught intermediate and upper-intermediate English part-time for one year at Katherine and Kings College in Alperton, London (now re-located to Harrow).
I was also able to assist when KKC’s online examination system lost it’s connection briefly.

Scuba Diving

I have passed PADI Standard and Advanced Scuba diver training, although I have not dived for several years.

Former Chartered Biologist, MIBiol CBiol

I became a member of the Institute of Biology (IoB) from 1987. I lapsed my membership in 2009 when the IoB became the Society of Biology (SoB) with the intention of re-branding with a ‘royal’ prefix (granted in 2015).


I keep two 40 litre planted tropical freshwater aquaria with Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) and Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) along with Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda) and Zebra Nerite (Neritina zebra) & Assassin (Anentome helena) snails.